
Its funny how having not blogged about anything sort of 'degrades' your ability to write an entry after a while. I already had a bad start with the Title and so took the easy option out and called it 'Untitled'.

A quick rushthrough of what happeded this week. On monday, after Chem, yours truely attended a blasted PP training workshop. Gut feeling was telling me not to go but went against it. On wednesday, i realised why i should not have gone. I received an sms around 12pm telling me that i came in contact with a H1N1 case and as a precautionary measure, was given LOA (Leave of Absense) and asked not to come to school and do e-learning, till the 7th of July. Sounds fun right? only problem is the e-learning part. It sucks!

E-learning goes like this. Download the PS and worksheet and complete the worksheet and then email it to the faci. And at 4pm, when the Quiz and RJ have been opened, do them and submit them as well. The hardest part of the 3 is the Quiz, because you dont understand most of the quesions asked as they are not really found in the worksheet. So that sucked big time.

Spent some time on friday night-saturday morning giving my blog a facelift. No idea why i was doing it though. Had some difficulty doing it smoothly because of my laptop. the screen is giving me some problems once again have to move the screen every few minutes to be able to see whats on it. Went down to the repair centre on Saturday in the hopes that they will be able to fix it on the spot and give it back to me, but looks like those morons only do on-spot repairs on weekdays. So took it back and decided to go back there again tomorrow.

Planning on rushing through my worksheet and then heading off to get it fixed tomorrow. Alrighty, the TV beckons me. ;)


Michael Jackson - A tribute

Michael Joseph Jackson
- The King of PoP -
29th August 1958 – 25th June 2009

School term begins

Monday was the first day of Year 2 sem 1 and i gotta say, i was suprised that i was not a bit nervous that i would have to meet 25 new people and a new facilitator, converse with 5 new team mates and get work done and then present our answer to the problem statement to the class! Last year, i was freaking nervous when i entered my 2 classes. But anyways, lets not dwell on that too much. Had biochem on monday, and managed to understand the problem before the end of break out 2 (which was just in the nick of time). Had Recombiant DNA technologies on Tuesday and a break on wednesday. The good thing about being a Year 2 student in SAS, is that i get Wednesdays off! So i only have to go to school for 4 days and get 3 days off (including saturday and sunday)

Ok, gotta go finish up some stuff. I'll blog more later.


Dim Sum!

I'm so used to not blogging regularly that i'm not even going to appologise to anyone for not blogging for a while now. School starts on monday and i've still not gotten back to the "school timing" of waking up at 5.45am yet. I'm still sleeping at 4am and waking up at 11am or later. luckly, i managed to get up on time on thursday to meet up with Andre at Novena (and try persuading steph to join us). The Dim sum Resturant only starts the buffet at 2.30pm but andre was already moaning that he was hungry at 2pm. If i were steph, i think i would call him "stupid Andre", but i'm not and so shall just keep my mouth shut. Haha.

plates after plates we ate, i was stuffed. Andre on the other hand, still had space for dessert (he has a soft spot for that jelly thing he ate which i cant remember what it is now. (mental note : Ask Andre what it was and use it to lure him for future gatherings. Alternatively, i could use cakes. =)

Headed over to my aunts house for tea (as if i could consume anything without bursting from all that Dim sum earlier) and then headed home.

On friday, i got some peace and quiet. I stayed at home THE WHOLE DAY! Finally! A day at home without the need to go out anywhere. Should do that more often.

Today, My 6 year old cousin came over to my place and so we (My family, cousin and I) went out for lunch. Went back home thereafter and watched a little bit of TV (there's nothing interesting on the tele on saturday afternoons!) and then got ready for dinner with another cousin of mine, her daughter and my nephew) We went to Thai express at Gardens. The food was ok, but the portions were pathetic! anyways, i was still full. And now, i'm sitting here, typing all this out and listening to music and planning on sleeping early.

I'm guessing that i'm going to start feeling nervous tomorrow afternoon, wondering how my new class is going to be like. I'm more worried about the facilitators i'm going to get though.


Expensieve gifts!

Four friends, who hadn't seen each other in 30 years, reunited at a Party.

After several drinks, one of the men had to use the rest room. Those Who remained talked about their kids.

The first guy said, 'My son is my pride and joy. He started working at a successful company at the bottom of the barrel. He studied Economics And Business Administration and soon began to climb the corporate ladder and now he's the president of the company. He became so rich that he gave his best friend a top of the line Mercedes for his birthday.

' The second guy said, 'Darn, that's terrific! My son is also my pride and joy. He started working for a big airline, then went to flight school to become a pilot. Eventually he became a partner in the company, where he owns the majority of its assets. He's so rich that he gave his best friend a brand new jet for his birthday.

' The third man said: 'Well, that's terrific! My son studied in the best universities and became an engineer. Then he started his own construction company and is now a multimillionaire. He also gave away something very nice and expensive to his best friend for his birthday: A 30,000 square foot mansion.'

The three friends congratulated each other just as the fourth returned from the restroom and asked: 'What are all the congratulations for?'One of the three said: 'We were talking about the pride we feel for the successes of our sons. .What about your son?'

The fourth man replied: 'My son is gay and makes a living dancing as a stripper at a nightclub.' The three friends said: 'What a shame.. What a disappointment.

' The fourth man replied: 'No, I'm not ashamed. He's my son and I love him, and he hasn't done too bad either. His birthday was two weeks ago, and he received a beautiful 30,000 square foot mansion, a brand new jet and a top of the line Mercedes from his three boyfriends.'


Wednesday with Andre and Kenneth

Let me quickly scribble what happened on wednesday. I met up with andre at Cathay Cineplex and waited at Long Johns Silvers for kenneth who did not know how to get there. Andre "helped" him out by telling him to ask some good looking girls for directions. Typical andre. Anyway, after getting our tickets, we walked around aimlessly for about 10-15 minutes before we went out of the building and went into Gloria Jean's Coffees where andre and i had a drink each. At first, when i saw the board, the price of my Original iced chocolate was about 5.70. But at the cashier, the lady only billed me at 3 bucks! I thought the lady had some memory loss or something and typed in the wrong price. It was only when i was collecting my drink with andre that he told me that he got it at a discounted price and it was probably cause we're students. Cool! So after finishing up our drinks, (andre kept adding water to his mango drink cause it was too sweet.), we went up to get popcorn and jumbo hot dog and drinks and then walked into the theatre.

The movie was nothing fantastic. The only thing that andre loved in it was his 'GF' who's name i cant recall at the present moment (Mental note: ask andre) We walked around orchard road for a good half an hour, trying to empty our stomachs so we could have dinner. We finally settled for Fish & Co. Andre had some trouble trying to understand the waitress who was talking our order. that was hilarious man! i was laughing quietly as i saw andre straining himself to catch what she was trying to say. Haha. So after having dinner and everything, Andre took the bus back and kenneth and i took the train back to AMK. alright, i'll end this post here, gotta go out for lunch in 10 minutes time.



IT Shopping

Who knew going to the IT show 2 days in a row could be so tiring? (I definitely didn’t). Yesterday, I met up with Qais at RP and gave him a little ‘tour’ of the campus and Then had lunch at causeway point before taking the train to City hall and then made our way to suntec city convention hall where the IT Show was being held. We skipped the 2nd and 3rd floor and went straight to the 4th. The plan was to collect pamphlets and flyers so that we could bring them back home and take a look at them before buying anything. Having collected more than enough flyers and pamphlets to bind them and make a book, we decided to go catch a movie. Dragon ball evolution it was, 8 bucks per ticket was kind of a rip off, especially since we could get walk over to a GV theatre nearby and buy them tickets at 6 bucks a piece with more comfortable seats. Anyways, The movie finished around 4.50 and we went straight to the MRT station and took the train back home. We were too tired to do anymore walking.

Jumping straight into today, i went for a second round of IT shopping at the IT show again, this time, with my dad. We were contemplating which anti-virus program to buy. There were 3 types shortlisted in our minds. Norton, MacAfee and AVG. But we didn’t get either of them just yet. My dad says he will ask some of his friends for suggestions on which to get and then buy it.

Anyways, gotta end this entry here for today seeing as i have some stuff to do before turning in for the day. (unlike Qais who can afford to sleep for 19 hours in a row and have the cheek to message me and say that he feels like going back to sleep again. Haha)
